You can manipulate lists of transformation rules in Mathematica just like other symbolic expressions. It is common to assign a name to a rule or set of rules. This assigns ...
Repeated patterns. Multiple blanks such as x__ allow you to give patterns in which sequences of arbitrary expressions can occur. The Mathematica pattern repetition operators ...
MarshalStringsAs is an option to DefineDLLFunction that specifies how string arguments should be marshaled into the DLL function. This applies to any arguments that are ...
LevyDistribution[\[Mu], \[Sigma]] represents a Lévy distribution with location parameter \[Mu] and dispersion parameter \[Sigma].
MultinomialDistribution[n, {p_1, p_2, ..., p_m}] represents a multinomial distribution with n trials and probabilities p_i.
QBinomial[n, m, q] gives the q-binomial coefficient (n; m)_q.
The CCompilerDriver package lets you work with C compilers that are installed on your computer. It is used automatically by the Mathematica compiler when you set the option ...
Parallel kernels do not have access to the values of variables defined in the master kernel, nor do they have access to locally defined functions. Mathematica contains a ...
NFourierTransform[expr, t, \[Omega]] gives a numerical approximation to the Fourier transform of expr evaluated at the numerical value \[Omega], where expr is a function of t.
NInverseFourierTransform[expr, \[Omega], t] gives a numerical approximation to the inverse Fourier transform of expr evaluated at the numerical value t, where expr is a ...