Threshold[data] thresholds data by replacing values close to zero by zero.Threshold[data, tspec] thresholds data using threshold specification tspec.Threshold[image, ...] ...
The general principle that Mathematica follows in evaluating expressions is to go on applying transformation rules until the expressions no longer change. This means, for ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Button[label, action] represents a button that is labeled with label, and evaluates action whenever it is clicked.
TruncatedDistribution[{x_min, x_max}, dist] represents the distribution obtained by truncating the values of dist to lie between x_min and ...
UniformDistribution[{min, max}] represents a continuous uniform statistical distribution giving values between min and max. UniformDistribution[] represents a uniform ...
WaveletThreshold[dwd] thresholds the detail wavelet coefficients in the DiscreteWaveletData object dwd.WaveletThreshold[dwd, tspec] thresholds the coefficients using the ...
WaveletImagePlot[dwd] plots the basis tree of wavelet image coefficients in the DiscreteWaveletData dwd.WaveletImagePlot[dwd, r] plots coefficients up to refinement level ...
Numerical integration functions. This finds a numerical approximation to the integral ∫_(0)^∞ e^-x^3 x. Here is the numerical value of the double integral ∫_(-1)^1 dx ...
"Graphics and Sound" discusses how to use functions like Plot and ListPlot to plot graphs of functions and data. This tutorial discusses how Mathematica represents such ...
ConstantArray[c, n] generates a list of n copies of the element c.ConstantArray[c, {n_1, n_2, ...}] generates an n_1*n_2*... array of nested lists containing copies of the ...