2401 - 2410 of 4610 for elementary function rootSearch Results
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GraphML   (Mathematica Import/Export Format)
GraphML graph data format. Standard exchange for graphs. GraphML is an acronym derived from Graph Markup Language. XML-based format. Represents typed, attributed, directed, ...
AccountingForm   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
AccountingForm[expr] prints with all numbers in expr given in standard accounting notation. AccountingForm[expr, n] prints with numbers given to n-digit precision.
BitLength   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
BitLength[n] gives the number of binary bits necessary to represent the integer n.
ParameterEstimator   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
ParameterEstimator is an option to EstimatedDistribution and FindDistributionParameters that specifies what parameter estimator to use.
NullSpace   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
NullSpace[m] gives a list of vectors that forms a basis for the null space of the matrix m.
Linear Programming   (Mathematica Tutorial)
Linear programming problems are optimization problems where the objective function and constraints are all linear. Mathematica has a collection of algorithms for solving ...
QRDecomposition   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
QRDecomposition[m] yields the QR decomposition for a numerical matrix m. The result is a list {q, r}, where q is an orthogonal matrix and r is an upper-triangular matrix.
VectorFieldPlots`   (Mathematica Compatibility Information)
As of Version 7, the Vector Field Plotting Package has been integrated into the Mathematica kernel.
BooleanConvert   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
BooleanConvert[expr] converts the Boolean expression expr to disjunctive normal form.BooleanConvert[expr, form] converts the Boolean expression expr to the specified ...
LogNormalDistribution   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
LogNormalDistribution[\[Mu], \[Sigma]] represents a lognormal distribution derived from a normal distribution with mean \[Mu] and standard deviation \[Sigma].
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