On most computer systems, you can execute external programs or commands from within Mathematica. Often you will want to take expressions you have generated in Mathematica, ...
The equations of motion for a free rigid body whose center of mass is at the origin are given by the following Euler equations (see [MR99]). Two quadratic first integrals of ...
BeckmannDistribution[\[Mu]_1, \[Mu]_2, \[Sigma]_1, \[Sigma]_2] represents the Beckmann distribution with means \[Mu]_1 and \[Mu]_2 and standard deviations \[Sigma]_1 and ...
MultivariatePoissonDistribution[\[Mu]_0, {\[Mu]_1, \[Mu]_2, \ ...}] represents a multivariate Poisson distribution with mean vector {\[Mu]_0 + \[Mu]_1, \[Mu]_0 + \[Mu]_2, ...
QuantilePlot[list] generates a plot of quantiles of list against the quantiles of a normal distribution.QuantilePlot[dist] generates a plot of quantiles of the distribution ...
A possible way of working with permutations is by relating them to the reorderings of the elements of a list. This is the standard point of view in the combinatorial approach ...
Many differential equations exhibit some form of stiffness, which restricts the step size and hence effectiveness of explicit solution methods. A number of implicit methods ...
The CCompilerDriver Package lets you work with C compilers that are installed on your computer. It is used automatically by the Mathematica compiler when you set the option ...