(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) String is the head of a character string " text".
WaveletScalogram[wd] plots wavelet vector coefficients in a DiscreteWaveletData or ContinuousWaveletData object wd.WaveletScalogram[wd, wind] plots wavelet coefficients ...
The Lotka–Volterra system arises in mathematical biology and models the growth of animal species. Consider two species where Y_1(T) denotes the number of predators and Y_2(T) ... is a website that lists publicly available web services. It is a great place for finding web services and advertising web services that you provide. This example ...
ListCorrelate[ker, list] forms the correlation of the kernel ker with list. ListCorrelate[ker, list, k] forms the cyclic correlation in which the k \[Null]^th element of ker ...
CompileEvaluate[expr] compiles expr and then evaluates the resulting compiled code.
ExistsRealQ[ineqs, {x_1, x_2, ...}] tests whether there exist real values of the x_i for which the inequalities and equations ineqs are satisfied.
ForAllRealQ[ineqs, {x_1, x_2, ...}] tests whether for all real values of the x_i the inequalities and equations ineqs are satisfied.
ImpliesRealQ[ineqs_1, ineqs_2] tests whether the inequalities and equations ineqs_1 imply the ineqs_2 for all real values of all variables.