As soon as you connect almost any kind of controller or input device to your computer, Mathematica will immediately let you use it to control Manipulate, 3D graphics, etc. ...
Mathematica 8 introduces interactive content delivered by Wolfram|Alpha directly into your documents. Additionally, Mathematica 8 extends the existing set of interface ...
ChineseRemainder[{r_1, r_2, ...}, {m_1, m_2, ...}] gives the smallest non-negative x that satisfies all the integer congruences x mod m_i = r_i mod m_i.
ExpandAll[expr] expands out all products and integer powers in any part of expr. ExpandAll[expr, patt] avoids expanding parts of expr that do not contain terms matching the ...
FromDigits[list] constructs an integer from the list of its decimal digits. FromDigits[list, b] takes the digits to be given in base b. FromDigits["string"] constructs an ...
LinkRead[link] reads one expression from the specified MathLink connection. LinkRead[link, h] wraps h around the expression read before evaluating it.
LinkWrite[link, expr] writes expr to the specified MathLink connection.
MeshStyle is an option for Plot3D, DensityPlot, and other plotting functions that specifies the style in which to draw a mesh.
PreemptProtect[expr] evaluates expr, without any interruption from preemptive evaluations.
PrimePowerQ[expr] yields True if expr is a power of a prime number, and yields False otherwise.