The new two-parameter form of ParametricPlot now provides the functionality of Graphics`ComplexMap`.
All the functionality of Miscellaneous`StandardAtmosphere`is now available in the newly created Standard Atmosphere Package.
All the functionality of NumericalMath`ComputerArithmetic` is now available in the newly created Computer Arithmetic Package.
All the functionality of NumericalMath`GaussianQuadrature`is now available in the newly created Numerical Differential Equation Analysis Package.
All the functionality of NumericalMath`NewtonCotes` is now available in the newly created Numerical Differential Equation Analysis Package.
All the functionality of NumericalMath`NLimit` is now available in the newly created Numerical Calculus Package.
(Notation Package Symbol) Action is an option of Notation, Symbolize and InfixNotation that defines what action will be performed with the given notation statement.
PrintNotationRules is a possible value for the Action option to Notation, Symbolize and InfixNotation.
WorkingForm is an option of Notation, Symbolize and InfixNotation that defines in which form the notation will be defined.
Integrated into the Mathematica system are powerful functions for analyzing large volumes of discrete and integer data—often conveniently specified using Mathematica's ...