Different measures of distance or similarity are convenient for different types of analysis. Mathematica provides built-in functions for many standard distance measures, as ...
Mathematica provides broad coverage of both numeric and symbolic Fourier analysis, supporting all standard forms of Fourier transforms on data, functions, and sequences, in ...
The time it takes Mathematica to perform a computation is important information that can help you write efficient programs. Conveniently, you can display the time elapsed for ...
AbsoluteTiming[expr] evaluates expr, returning a list of the absolute number of seconds in real time that have elapsed, together with the result obtained.
ClearAttributes[s, attr] removes attr from the list of attributes of the symbol s.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Deploy[expr] yields a deployed version of expr in which elements such as Slider, InputField, Locator, and Button are active, but general editing and selection is disabled.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) DMSList[\[Theta]] converts an angle \[Theta] given in decimal degrees to a DMS list {degree, minute, second}.DMSList["dms"] converts a DMS string to a DMS list {degree, ...
EdgeWeight is an option and property for Graph and related functions that specifies an edge weight.
EnterTextPacket[string] is a MathLink packet that requests the parsing and evaluation of string as an expression.
EvaluatePacket[expr] is a MathLink packet requesting evaluation of expr.