IntegerExponent[n, b] gives the highest power of b that divides n.
OpenCLFunctionInformation[oclfun] returns information on OpenCLFunction oclfun such as build log, build options, source code, etc.
InverseCDF[dist, q] gives the inverse of the cumulative distribution function for the symbolic distribution dist as a function of the variable q.
HypergeometricPFQ[{a_1, ..., a_p}, {b_1, ..., b_q}, z] is the generalized hypergeometric function \[Null]_p F_q (a; b; z).
JacobiCN[u, m] gives the Jacobi elliptic function cn(u | m).
JacobiDN[u, m] gives the Jacobi elliptic function dn(u | m).
DirichletTransform[expr, n, s] gives the Dirichlet transform of expr with respect to n.
HeavisidePi[x] represents the box distribution \[CapitalPi](x), equal to 1 for |x| < 1/2 and 0 for |x| > 1/2.HeavisidePi[x_1, x_2, ...] represents the multidimensional box ...
TextureCoordinateFunction is an option to Plot3D and similar functions that specifies a function that computes texture coordinates.
LinearOffsetFunction is an option for linear and generalized linear model fitting functions that specifies a component for the model that is to be assumed known.