As of Version 6.0, ContourGraphics has been superseded by GraphicsComplex and related functionality.
As of Version 6.0, DensityGraphics has been superseded by GraphicsComplex and related functionality.
As of Version 8.0, ExpectedValue has been superseded by Expectation and NExpectation.
As of Version 6.0, SurfaceGraphics has been superseded by GraphicsComplex and related functionality.
(Obsolete Bar Charts Package Symbol) As of Version 7.0, BarStyle has been superseded by ChartStyle.
PathConditionGraph is obsolete. This functionality is no longer supported in Combinatorica.
As of version 6.0, NearestNeighbor has been superseded by Nearest[{{x_1, y_1}, {x_2, y_2}, ...} -> Automatic, {a, b}].
As of Version 7.0, DTFourierTransform has been renamed to FourierSequenceTransform and is part of the built-in Mathematica kernel.
As of Version 7.0, FourierCoefficient is part of the built-in Mathematica kernel.