NotebookApply[notebook, data] writes data into a notebook at the current selection, replacing the first selection placeholder in data by the current selection, and then ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Off[symbol::tag] switches off a message, so that it is no longer printed. Off["name"] switches off a named group of messages.Off[s] switches off tracing messages associated ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Prefix[f[expr]] prints with f[expr] given in default prefix form: f@expr. Prefix[f[expr], h] prints as hexpr.
The introduction of Mathematica 6 in 2007 represented a revolutionary redefinition of Mathematica. Arriving only 18 months after Mathematica 6, Mathematica 7 represents ...
ButcherPlotRootSize is an option to ButcherPlot that specifies a scaling factor for the circle highlighting the root.
When Mathematica plots a graph for you, it has to make many choices. It has to work out what the scales should be, where the function should be sampled, how the axes should ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) FindFit[data, expr, pars, vars] finds numerical values of the parameters pars that make expr give a best fit to data as a function of vars. The data can have the form {{x_1, ...
SeriesCoefficient[series, n] finds the coefficient of the n\[Null]\[Null]^th-order term in a power series in the form generated by Series. SeriesCoefficient[f, {x, x_0, n}] ...
When fitting models to data, it is often useful to analyze how well the model fits the data and how well the fitting meets the assumptions of the model. For a number of ...
A method like "Newton's" method chooses a step, but the validity of that step only goes as far as the Newton quadratic model for the function really reflects the function. ...