VectorColorFunction is an option for VectorPlot and related functions which specifies a function to apply to determine colors of field vectors drawn.
DistanceFunction is an option for functions such as Nearest that specifies the distance value to assume between any two specified points.
ColorFunction is an option for graphics functions that specifies a function to apply to determine colors of elements.
RegionFunction is an option for plotting functions that specifies the region to include in the plot drawn.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Off[symbol::tag] switches off a message, so that it is no longer printed. Off["name"] switches off a named group of messages.Off[s] switches off tracing messages associated ...
DateFunction is an option for DateListPlot that specifies how dates given as input should be converted to date lists.
BeniniDistribution[\[Alpha], \[Beta], \[Sigma]] represents a Benini distribution with shape parameters \[Alpha] and \[Beta] and scale parameter \[Sigma].
Although Diophantine equations provide classic examples of undecidability, Mathematica in practice succeeds in solving a remarkably wide range of such equations—automatically ...
SpheroidalS1[n, m, \[Gamma], z] gives the radial spheroidal function S_n^m, (1)(\[Gamma], z) of the first kind.
ScalingFunctions is an option for BarChart, Histogram, and other charting functions that specifies what scaling functions should be used.