ConditionalExpression[expr, cond] is a symbolic construct that represents the expression expr when the condition cond is True.
Together[expr] puts terms in a sum over a common denominator, and cancels factors in the result.
NumberFieldRegulator[a] gives the regulator of the field \[DoubleStruckCapitalQ][a] generated by the algebraic number a.
FractionBox[x, y] is a low-level formatting construct that represents x/y in notebook expressions.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) << name reads in a file, evaluating each expression in it, and returning the last one.
$CompilationTarget gives the default value for the option CompilationTarget of Compile.
KleinInvariantJ[\[Tau]] gives the Klein invariant modular elliptic function J(\[Tau]).
CarmichaelLambda[n] gives the Carmichael function \[Lambda](n), defined as the smallest integer m such that k^m \[Congruent] 1 mod n for all k relatively prime to n.
Unprotect[s_1, s_2, ...] removes the attribute Protected for the symbols s_i. Unprotect["form_1", "form_2", ...] unprotects all symbols whose names textually match any of the ...
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