ShannonWavelet[] represents the Shannon wavelet evaluated on the equally spaced interval {-10, 10}. ShannonWavelet[lim] represents the Shannon wavelet evaluated on the ...
TextureCoordinateFunction is an option to Plot3D and similar functions that specifies a function that computes texture coordinates.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Raster[{{a_11, a_12, ...}, ...}] is a two-dimensional graphics primitive which represents a rectangular array of gray cells. Raster[{{{r_11, g_11, b_11}, ...}, ...}] ...
HilbertMatrix[n] gives the n*n Hilbert matrix with elements of the form 1/(i + j - 1).HilbertMatrix[{m, n}] gives the m*n Hilbert matrix.
Mathematica is to its core a fundamentally extensible system, in which efficient, modular, reusable packages of any size can readily be created. Mathematica's symbolic ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Re[z] gives the real part of the complex number z.
BiorthogonalSplineWavelet[] represents a biorthogonal spline wavelet of order 4 and dual order 2.BiorthogonalSplineWavelet[n, m] represents a biorthogonal spline wavelet of ...
ReverseBiorthogonalSplineWavelet[] represents a reverse biorthogonal spline wavelet of order 4 and dual order 2.ReverseBiorthogonalSplineWavelet[n, m] represents a reverse ...
Around 1870, Marius Sophus Lie realized that many of the methods for solving differential equations could be unified using group theory. Lie symmetry methods are central to ...
StableDistribution[type, \[Alpha], \[Beta], \[Mu], \[Sigma]] represents the stable distribution S_type with index of stability \[Alpha], skewness parameter \[Beta], location ...