(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Trace[expr] generates a list of all expressions used in the evaluation of expr. Trace[expr, form] includes only those expressions which match form. Trace[expr, s] includes ...
ColorData["scheme"] gives a function that generates colors in the named color scheme when applied to parameter values. ColorData["scheme", " property"] gives the specified ...
f' represents the derivative of a function f of one argument. Derivative[n_1, n_2, ...][f] is the general form, representing a function obtained from f by differentiating n_1 ...
QPolyGamma[z, q] gives the q-digamma function \[Psi]_q (z).QPolyGamma[n, z, q] gives the n\[Null]^th derivative of the q-digamma function \[Psi]_q^(n)(z).
CUDAMap[f, lst] applies f to each element on lst.
Glaisher is Glaisher's constant with numerical value \[TildeEqual] 1.28243.
lhs := rhs assigns rhs to be the delayed value of lhs. rhs is maintained in an unevaluated form. When lhs appears, it is replaced by rhs, evaluated afresh each time.
BitLength[n] gives the number of binary bits necessary to represent the integer n.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Reduce[expr, vars] reduces the statement expr by solving equations or inequalities for vars and eliminating quantifiers. Reduce[expr, vars, dom] does the reduction over the ...
Mathematica's strengths in algebraic computation and graphics as well as numerics combine to bring unprecedented flexibility and power to geometric computation. Making ...