Casoratian[{y_1, y_2, ...}, n] gives the Casoratian determinant for the sequences y_1, y_2, ... depending on n.Casoratian[eqn, y, n] gives the Casoratian determinant for the ...
MLUserFunction is a MathLink type that describes a function pointer to a function taking an MLINK argument with a return type of void.
$MaxPrecision gives the maximum number of digits of precision to be allowed in arbitrary-precision numbers.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Tanh[z] gives the hyperbolic tangent of z.
HarmonicNumber[n] gives the n\[Null]^th harmonic number H_n. HarmonicNumber[n, r] gives the harmonic number H_n^(r) of order r.
InterpolateRoot[lhs == rhs, {x, x_0, x_1}] searches for a numerical solution to the equation lhs == rhs using x_0 and x_1 as the first two values of x.
Mathematical constants. Euler's constant EulerGamma is given by the limit γUnderscriptBox[lim, RowBox[{m, , ∞}], LimitsPositioning -> True](UnderoverscriptBox[∑, RowBox[{k, ...
Applying transformation rules. The replacement operator /. (pronounced "slash-dot") applies rules to expressions. You can give a list of rules to apply. Each rule will be ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) All is a setting used for certain options. In Part and related functions, All specifies all parts at a particular level.
n! gives the factorial of n.