In doing many kinds of calculations, you need to evaluate expressions when variables take on particular values. In many cases, you can do this simply by applying ...
"FindNextMisspelling" is a front end token that selects the next misspelled word and opens the Check Spelling dialog.
"FindNextWarningColor" is a front end token that selects the next warning message.
Mathematica has many powerful features which enable you to solve many kinds of equations.
Finding elements that match a pattern. This gives the elements of the list which match the pattern x^_. Here is the total number of elements which match the pattern.
FindLinearRecurrence[list] finds if possible the minimal linear recurrence that generates list.FindLinearRecurrence[list, d] finds if possible the linear recurrence of ...
Position[expr, pattern] gives a list of the positions at which objects matching pattern appear in expr. Position[expr, pattern, levelspec] finds only objects that appear on ...
DictionaryLookup[patt] finds all words in an English dictionary that match the string pattern patt.DictionaryLookup[patt, n] gives only the first n words ...
FindMaxValue[f, x] gives the value at a local maximum of f.FindMaxValue[f, {x, x_0}] gives the value at a local maximum of f, found by a search starting from the point x = ...
FindMinValue[f, x] gives the value at a local minimum of f.FindMinValue[f, {x, x_0}] gives the value at a local minimum of f, found by a search starting from the point x = ...