Elementary transcendental functions. Mathematica gives exact results for logarithms whenever it can. Here is log_21024. You can find the numerical values of mathematical ...
In many cases, you will find it convenient to communicate with external programs at a high level, and to exchange structured data with them. On almost all computer systems, ...
There are a number of functions built into Mathematica which, like Plot, have various options you can set. Mathematica provides some general mechanisms for handling such ...
This constructs the sum ∑_(i=1)^7 (x^i)/(i) . You can leave out the lower limit if it is equal to 1. This makes i increase in steps of 2, so that only odd-numbered values are ...
When you make a sequence of definitions in Mathematica, some may be more general than others. Mathematica follows the principle of trying to put more general definitions ...
JDBCDriverNames[] returns a list of the names of databases for which JDBC drivers are available through DatabaseResourcesPath.
SQLBeginTransaction[conn] initiates an SQL transaction.
SQLCommitTransaction[conn] commits an SQL transaction.
SQLDataTypeNames[conn] returns the names of data types that can be stored in an SQL connection.
SQLDropTable[conn, table] drops a table in an SQL connection.