Version 6.0 added a collection of carefully optimized functions to Mathematica's powerful arsenal of numerical handling capabilities.
StringPosition["string", " sub"] gives a list of the starting and ending character positions at which " sub" appears as a substring of " string". StringPosition["string", ...
Mathematica efficiently implements state-of-the-art data classification algorithms, allowing you to visualize distributions, search for nearest neighbors, and do cluster ...
Even simple-looking limits are sometimes quite complicated to compute. Mathematica provides functionality to evaluate several kinds of limits.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) NameQ["string"] yields True if there are any symbols whose names match the string pattern given, and yields False otherwise.
Mathematica allows you to define transformation rules for any expression. You can define such rules not only for functions that you add to Mathematica, but also for intrinsic ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Run[expr_1, expr_2, ...] generates the printed form of the expressions expr_i, separated by spaces, and runs it as an external operating system command.
Mathematica's unified symbolic document architecture makes it possible to have flowing text contain any kind of object—including math, graphics or dynamic elements.
WrapInNETBlock is an option to AddEventHandler and NETNewDelegate that specifies whether or not the Mathematica callback function assigned to the delegate should be ...
Building on the concept of symbolic data description, Mathematica 6.0 introduced the major new "elements" framework for handling import and export of data, in nearly a ...