MatrixExp[m] gives the matrix exponential of m. MatrixExp[m, v] gives the matrix exponential of m applied to the vector v.
TukeyLambdaDistribution[\[Lambda]] represents Tukey's lambda distribution with shape parameter \[Lambda].TukeyLambdaDistribution[\[Lambda], \[Mu], \[Sigma]] represents ...
int MLAllocParameter (MLParameters *p, MLAllocator * a, MLDeallocator * d) retrieves the current memory allocator and deallocator function pointers from the MLParameters ...
int MLMessageReady (MLINK link) queries the link object link to see if the link has an out-of-band message.
mltimeval is a MathLink type used for storing time arguments.
long MLToLinkID (MLINK link) returns the ID number of link.
int MLUnsetSignalHandler (MLENV env, int signum, void *f) removes the Unix signal-handler function f as a signal handler for signal signum from the MathLink library ...
LinearModelFit[{y_1, y_2, ...}, {f_1, f_2, ...}, x] constructs a linear model of the form \[Beta]_0 + \[Beta]_1 f_1 + \[Beta]_2 f_2 + ... that fits the y_i for successive x ...
const char * MLErrorMessage (MLINK link) returns a character string describing the last error to occur on link.
(Mathematica MathLink C Function) mlint64 is a MathLink type for storing 64-bit integers.