void MLReleaseByteSymbol (MLINK link, const unsigned char *s, int len) disowns memory allocated by MLGetByteSymbol() to store the character string s corresponding to the name ...
void MLReleaseString (MLINK link, const char *s) disowns memory allocated by MLGetString() to store the character string s.
void MLReleaseSymbol (MLINK link, char *s) disowns memory allocated by MLGetSymbol() or MLGetFunction() to store the character string s corresponding to the name of a symbol.
void MLReleaseUTF16Symbol (MLINK link, const unsigned short *s, int len) disowns memory allocated by MLGetUTF16Symbol() to store the UTF-16 encoded character string s ...
void MLReleaseUTF32String (MLINK link, const unsigned int *s, int len) disowns memory allocated by MLGetUTF32String() to store the UTF-32 encoded string s.
void MLReleaseUTF32Symbol (MLINK link, const unsigned int *s, int len) disowns memory allocated by MLGetUTF32Symbol() to store the UTF-32 encoded character string s ...
void MLReleaseUTF8Symbol (MLINK link, const unsigned char *s, int len) disowns memory allocated by MLGetUTF8Symbol() to store the UTF-8 encoded character string s ...
Mathematica is uniquely suited for processing symbolic expressions because of its powerful pattern-matching abilities and large collection of built-in structural manipulation ...
This section is concerned with the way that OpenCLLink is set up and configured for your machine. It will also help to track down and correct problems. OpenCLLink is designed ...
In a statement like x^4+x^2>0, Mathematica treats the variable x as having a definite, though unspecified, value. Sometimes, however, it is useful to be able to make ...