This is a simple homogeneous DAE with constant coefficients. This finds the general solution. It has only one arbitrary constant because the second equation in the system ...
EulerianCycle[g] finds an Eulerian cycle of g if one exists.
LongestIncreasingSubsequence[p] finds the longest increasing scattered subsequence of permutation p.
MaximumIndependentSet[g] finds a largest independent set of graph g.
MinimumVertexCover[g] finds a minimum vertex cover of graph g.
StableMarriage[mpref, fpref] finds the male optimal stable marriage defined by lists of permutations describing male and female preferences.
TransitiveReduction[g] finds a smallest graph that has the same transitive closure as g.
TwoColoring[g] finds a two-coloring of graph g if g is bipartite. It returns a list of the labels 1 and 2 corresponding to the vertices.
NeighborhoodVertices[g, i, r] gives vertices that can be reached from vertex i within r hops.NeighborhoodVertices[g, i] gives vertices that can be reached from vertex i.
The NumericalDifferentialEquationAnalysis package combines functionality for analyzing differential equations using Butcher trees, Gaussian quadrature, and Newton-Cotes ...