DeleteBorderComponents[image] replaces connected components adjacent to the border in a binary image image with background pixels.DeleteBorderComponents[m] replaces ...
ImageDimensions[image] gives the pixel dimensions of the raster associated with an Image object image.
Notebook History displays a time record of changes made in the input notebook.
Why the Coloring? opens a dialog that explains any syntax coloring in the active notebook.
ControllerInformation[] gives dynamically updated information on currently connected controller devices.
GreaterSlantEqual[x, y, ...] displays as x \[GreaterSlantEqual] y \[GreaterSlantEqual] ....
LessSlantEqual[x, y, ...] displays as x \[LessSlantEqual] y \[LessSlantEqual] ....
MorphologicalBranchPoints[image] gives a version of a binary image image in which white pixels represent the morphological branch points.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) RawData[data] is a low-level representation of the contents of a cell in which Show Cell Expression has been toggled.
$SystemWordLength gives the effective number of bits in raw machine words on the computer system where Mathematica is running.