Mathematica provides a broad range of powerful constructs for laying out content on a screen or page. They are designed to be immediately useful for the beginner, yet also ...
Version 6.0 pioneered the concept of complete structural integration of graphics—with graphics interleaving seamlessly into all input and output, and allowing immediate ...
You can tell a lot about what "type" of expression something is by looking at its head. Thus, for example, an integer has head Integer, while a list has head List. In a ...
Resultant[poly_1, poly_2, var] computes the resultant of the polynomials poly_1 and poly_2 with respect to the variable var. Resultant[poly_1, poly_2, var, Modulus -> p] ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Options[symbol] gives the list of default options assigned to a symbol. Options[expr] gives the options explicitly specified in a particular expression such as a graphics ...
Mathematica is a large and complex software system. Although strongly not supported for production purposes, it is sometimes instructive to "spelunk" in the system, looking ...
Parallelize[expr] evaluates expr using automatic parallelization.
The Mathematica system provides a convenient way to call functions in external C and other programs. With a .tm template specifying Mathematica functions corresponding to ...