StringSkeleton[n] represents a sequence of n omitted characters in a string printed with Short. The standard print form for StringSkeleton is an ellipsis.
TopHatTransform[image, ker] gives the morphological top-hat transform of image with respect to structuring element ker.TopHatTransform[image, r] gives the top-hat transform ...
Copy As opens a submenu to copy a selection and convert it to the specified format.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) BoxData[boxes] is a low-level representation of the contents of a typesetting cell.
CellEpilog is an option for Cell which gives an expression to evaluate after each ordinary evaluation of the contents of the cell.
CellEvaluationDuplicate is an option for Cell which specifies whether the front end should make a copy of the cell before performing any evaluation of its contents that you ...
CircleMinus[x, y] displays as x\[CircleMinus]y.
ColorNegate[image] gives the negative of image, in which all colors have been negated.
ConwayGroupCo2[] represents the sporadic simple Conway group Co_2.
DefaultDuplicateCellStyle is a notebook option that specifies the default style to use for cells created by automatic duplication of other cells in the notebook.