FontFamily is an option for Style and Cell that specifies the font family in which text should be rendered.
FontSize is an option for Style and Cell that specifies the default size in printer's points of the font in which to render text.
GeodesicDilation[marker, mask] gives the fixed point of the geodesic dilation of the image marker constrained by the image mask.
GeodesicErosion[marker, mask] gives the fixed point of the geodesic erosion of the image marker constrained by the image mask.
GroupActionBase is an option to specify a base for a group.
HeavisideLambda[x] represents the triangle distribution \[CapitalLambda](x) which is nonzero for |x| < 1.HeavisideLambda[x_1, x_2, ...] represents the multidimensional ...
ImageMargins is an option that specifies the absolute margins to leave around the image displayed for an object.
LiouvilleLambda[n] gives the Liouville function \[Lambda](n).
MenuStyle is an option for menu-generating constructs that specifies the style to use in displaying menu items.
PrimeZetaP[s] gives prime zeta function P(s).