AnimationDirection is an option which specifies the direction to run an animation.
BitClear[n, k] sets to 0 the bit corresponding to the coefficient of 2^k in the integer n.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) BitGet[n, k] gets the bit corresponding to the coefficient of 2^k in the integer n.
CellAutoOverwrite is an option for Cell which specifies whether an output cell should be overwritten by new output when the preceding input cell is evaluated.
CellEditDuplicate is an option for Cell which specifies whether the front end should make a copy of the cell before actually applying any changes in its contents that you ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) C[i] is the default form for the i\[Null]\[Null]^th parameter or constant generated in representing the results of various symbolic computations.
DataReversed is an option for ArrayPlot and related functions that specifies whether data should be plotted in reverse order.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) EdgeAdd[g, e] makes a graph by adding the edge e to the graph g.EdgeAdd[g, {e_1, e_2, ...}] adds a collection of edges to g.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Export["file. ext", expr] exports data to a file, converting it to the format corresponding to the file extension ext. Export[file, expr, " format"] exports data in the ...
FileDate["file"] gives the date and time at which a file was last modified. FileDate["file", " type"] gives information on the specified type of date associated with a file.