MathieuGroupM11[] represents the sporadic simple Mathieu group M_11.
MeanFilter[image, r] filters image by replacing every value by the mean value in its range r neighborhood. MeanFilter[data, r] applies mean filtering to an array of data.
NormalsFunction is an option for Plot3D and related functions that specifies a function to apply to determine the effective surface normals at every point.
NotebookEvaluate[notebook] evaluates all the evaluatable cells in notebook.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Off[symbol::tag] switches off a message, so that it is no longer printed. Off["name"] switches off a named group of messages.Off[s] switches off tracing messages associated ...
PlotLayout is an option used by WaveletListPlot and similar functions to specify the layout of multiple plots.
RemoveScheduledTask[obj] remove the obj from the list of currently set tasks.
ResetScheduledTask[obj] resets scheduled task object obj to the original parameter values.ResetScheduledTask[obj, timespec] resets scheduled task timing to ...
SpanFromAbove is a symbol that can appear at a particular position in a Grid or related construct to indicate that the corresponding position is occupied by a spanning ...
StabilityMargins is an option to frequency response plots such as BodePlot, NyquistPlot, and NicholsPlot that specifies the gain and phase margins to be shown on the plot.