Converting from strings or boxes to expressions. This takes a string and interprets it as an expression. Here is the box structure corresponding to the textual form of an ...
Mathematica allows you to control how the pages in notebooks are laid out for printing. You can give a general specification in a stylesheet, or you can specify details for ...
Mathematica provides built-in functions for generating standard structure matrices and convolution kernels in any number of dimensions, in a form that can be used directly in ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) ESRI shape file format. Common GIS file format. Used for archiving and exchanging cartographic and geospatial information. Stores the geometry and data of map features. SHP ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) TIGER/Line GIS file format. U.S. Census Bureau file format. Used for archiving cartographic information and data. Stores geometric as well as numerical and textual ...
Animate Selected Graphics animates graphics in a selection of cells, typically a cell group.
AddOnHelpPath is a global option that specifies which directories are searched for additional help files used within the help system.
AnimationRepetitions is an option to Animate and related functions that specifies how many times the animation they create runs before stopping.
AppearanceElements is an option for functions like Manipulate that specifies what elements should be included in the displayed form of the object generated.
AutoAction is an option for objects such as Slider, Locator, and Button that specifies whether they should automatically take action whenever the mouse pointer is over them, ...