Evaluator is an option for objects such as Button, Dynamic, and Cell that gives the name of the kernel to use to evaluate their contents.
ExpandAll[expr] expands out all products and integer powers in any part of expr. ExpandAll[expr, patt] avoids expanding parts of expr that do not contain terms matching the ...
FrameBox[box] is a low-level box construct which represents box with a frame drawn around it.
FunctionSpace is an option for FindSequenceFunction and related functions that specifies the space of functions to consider for representations.
InterpolationPoints is an option to SmoothKernelDistribution and FunctionInterpolation that specifies the initial number of interpolation points to use.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Links[] gives a list of all MathLink connections that are currently open. Links[patt] lists only links whose names match the specified string pattern.
ListLogLinearPlot[{{x_1, y_1}, {x_2, y_2}, ...}] makes a log-linear plot of the specified list of x and y values.ListLogLinearPlot[{list_1, list_2, ...}] plots several lists ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Magnify[expr, r] represents an object to be displayed with magnification r. Magnify[expr] displays with expr magnified by a fixed factor.
MultilaunchWarning is a global option that specifies whether a warning is given when you try to modify user preferences while running two copies of Mathematica simultaneously.
NumberPadding is an option for NumberForm and related functions which gives strings to use as padding on the left- and right-hand sides of numbers.