Mathematica 8 introduces a coherent collection of algorithms and data structures for working with permutation groups. Building upon Mathematica's proven symbolic ...
At the core of Mathematica is its highly developed symbolic language, which unifies a broad range of programming paradigms and uses its unique concept of symbolic programming ...
Mathematica provides many functions to group terms in a polynomial, extract and sort the monomials, display them in various ways, and even process them as arbitrary ...
AllowScriptLevelChange is an option for fractions and grids that controls whether certain operators, such as \[Sum], \[Product], and \[Integral], always appear smaller than ...
CellGroupData[{cell_1, cell_2, ...}] is a low-level construct that represents an open group of cells in a notebook. CellGroupData[{cell_1, cell_2, ...}, 1] represents a cell ...
ChoiceDialog[expr] puts up a standard choice dialog that displays expr together with OK and Cancel buttons, and returns True if OK is clicked and False if Cancel is ...
Contours is an option for contour plots that specifies the contours to draw.
DistributeDefinitions[s_1, s_2, ...] distributes all definitions for the symbols s_i to all parallel kernels.DistributeDefinitions["context"] distributes definitions for all ...
EdgeDelete[g, e] makes a graph by deleting the edge e from the graph g.EdgeDelete[g, {e_1, e_2, ...}] deletes a collection of edges from g.EdgeDelete[g, patt] deletes all ...
GraphHighlight is an option to Graph and related objects that specifies graph elements to highlight.