$MaxPrecision gives the maximum number of digits of precision to be allowed in arbitrary-precision numbers.
You can do arithmetic with Mathematica just as you would on an electronic calculator. This is the sum of two numbers. Here the / stands for division, and the ^ stands for ...
Converting power series to normal expressions. Power series in Mathematica are represented in a special internal form, which keeps track of such attributes as their expansion ...
Supporting a large number of numerical integration methods for differential equations is a lot of work. In order to cut down on maintenance and duplication of code, common ...
There are many ways to use symbols in Mathematica. Here we use symbols as 'tags' for different types of objects. Working with physical units gives one simple example. When ...
DoModal -- wait until the Java window is closed, JavaShow -- make a window visible and in front, ShowJavaConsole -- display System.out and System.err output in a separate ...
ReleaseJavaObject[javaobject] tells the Java memory-management system to forget about any references to the specified JavaObject that are being maintained solely for the sake ...
CreateCOMObject[str] creates a COM object specified by the string str.
GetActiveCOMObject[string] acquires an already-running COM object specified by string, which can be either a ProgID (such as "Excel.Application") or a CLSID (such as ...