Many aspects of the Mathematica front end such as the styles of cells, the appearance of notebooks, or the parameters used in typesetting are controlled by options. For ...
void MTensor_free () is a library callback function that frees an MTensor.
void UTF8String_disown (char*s) disowns a string argument.
AlternatingPaths[g, start, ME] returns the alternating paths in graph g with respect to the matching ME, starting at the vertices in the list start. The paths are returned in ...
CubeConnectedCycle[d] returns the graph obtained by replacing each vertex in a d-dimensional hypercube by a cycle of length d. Cube-connected cycles share many properties ...
InDegree[g, n] returns the in-degree of vertex n in directed graph g. InDegree[g] returns the sequence of in-degrees of the vertices in directed graph g.
RankKSetPartition[sp, s] ranks sp in the list of all k-block set partitions of s. RankSetPartition[sp] ranks sp in the list of all k-block set partitions of the set of ...
RankSetPartition[sp, s] ranks sp in the list of all set partitions of set s. RankSetPartition[sp] ranks sp in the list of all set partitions of the set of elements that ...
ArgColor, ArgShade and ColorCircle are obsolete, with simple definitions in terms of system functions.
Much of the functionality in Miscellaneous`CityData` is now available in the built-in Mathematica kernel function CityData.