ContourStyle is an option for contour plots that specifies the style in which contour lines or surfaces should be drawn.
CounterFunction is an option for counters that specifies the symbols used to display the value of the counter.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Cubics is an option for functions that involve solving algebraic equations, that specifies whether explicit forms for solutions to cubic equations should be given.
DeclarePackage["context`", {"name_1", "name_2", ...}] declares that Needs["context`"] should automatically be executed if a symbol with any of the specified names is ever ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Delete[expr, n] deletes the element at position n in expr. If n is negative, the position is counted from the end. Delete[expr, {i, j, ...}] deletes the part at position {i, ...
DiacriticalPositioning is an option for UnderscriptBox and related boxes that specifies how close diacritical characters are drawn to the base character.
DispersionEstimatorFunction is an option for generalized linear model fitting functions that specifies the estimator for the dispersion parameter.
x /= c divides x by c and returns the new value of x.
DumpSave["", symbol] writes definitions associated with a symbol to a file in internal Mathematica format. DumpSave["", " context`"] writes out definitions ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Encode["source", " dest"] writes an encoded version of the file source to the file dest. << dest decodes the file before reading its contents. Encode["source", " dest", " ...