AdjustmentBox[box, opts] is a low-level box construct which displays with the placement of box adjusted using the options given.
AnimationCycleRepetitions is an option for cells that specifies the number of times a given animation cycle should be repeated.
AxesStyle is an option for graphics functions that specifies how axes should be rendered.
Backward is a symbol that represents the backward direction for purposes of motion and animation.
ButtonData is an option for the low-level function ButtonBox that specifies the second argument to give to the ButtonFunction for the button when the button is active and is ...
CatalanNumber[n] gives the n\[Null]^th Catalan number C_n.
CDFInformation[expr] gives a list of properties relevant to a CDF deployed with the content expr.CDFInformation[notebook] gives usage properties for a CDF to be deployed from ...
CellFrameColor is an option that specifies the color of the frame around a cell.
CellFrameLabels is an option that specifies the labels associated with the frame around a cell.
CellGroupingRules is an option for cells that specifies the rules used for grouping a cell.