(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Glow[col] is a graphics directive which specifies that surfaces of 3D graphics objects that follow are to be taken to glow with color col. Glow[] specifies that there is no ...
GraphRadius[g] gives the minimum eccentricity of the vertices in the graph g.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Integer is the head used for integers.
InverseBetaRegularized[s, a, b] gives the inverse of the regularized incomplete beta function.
InverseGammaRegularized[a, s] gives the inverse of the regularized incomplete gamma function.
LimitsPositioningTokens is an option for selections that specifies a set of characters for which the option LimitsPositioning is set to True by default.
LineBreakWithin is an option for selections that specifies whether line breaks occur automatically when the end of a line is reached.
ManhattanDistance[u, v] gives the Manhattan or "city block" distance between vectors u and v.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) -x is the arithmetic negation of x.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) NCache[x, xn] represents a numeric cache object for a quantity with exact value x and approximate numerical value xn.