There are many detailed differences between different kinds of computer systems. But one of the important features of Mathematica is that it allows you to work and create ...
Primitives which can take multiple elements. Some primitives have multi-element forms that can be processed and rendered more quickly by the Mathematica front end than the ...
"Defining Variables" discussed assignments such as x=y which set x equal to y. Here we discuss equations, which test equality. The equation x==y tests whether x is equal to ...
Converting notebooks to HTML. Export has many options applying to HTML export that allow you to specify how notebooks should be converted for web browsers with different ...
If you have special-purpose programs written in C or Fortran, you may want to take formulas you have generated in Mathematica and insert them into the source code of your ...
The following sequence shows how to select an object inside a graphic. To begin editing within a graphic, single-click or double-click the background or an object in the ...
(Mathematica Overview) Making Lists of Objects Collecting Objects Together Making Tables of Values
Nested logical and piecewise functions can be expanded out much like nested arithmetic functions. You can do this using LogicalExpand and PiecewiseExpand. Expanding out ...
Equations Solving Equations The Representation of Equations and Solutions
Types of Numbers Complex Numbers Numeric Quantities