SpheroidalJoiningFactor[n, m, \[Gamma]] gives the spheroidal joining factor with degree n and order m.
SpheroidalRadialFactor[n, m, c] gives the spheroidal radial factor with degree n and order m.
SpheroidalS2[n, m, \[Gamma], z] gives the radial spheroidal function S_n^m, (2)(\[Gamma], z) of the second kind.
SpheroidalS2Prime[n, m, \[Gamma], z] gives the derivative with respect to z of the radial spheroidal function S_n^m, (2)(\[Gamma], z) of the second kind.
SyntaxForm is an option for InterpretationBox and TagBox objects that specifies the precedence level to use when the InterpretationBox or TagBox is considered as an operator.
TransformationFunctions is an option for Simplify and FullSimplify which gives the list of functions to apply to try to transform parts of an expression.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) lhs ^= rhs assigns rhs to be the value of lhs, and associates the assignment with symbols that occur at level one in lhs.
Verbatim[expr] represents expr in pattern matching, requiring that expr be matched exactly as it appears, with no substitutions for blanks or other transformations.
VertexLabels is an option and property for Graph and related functions that specifies what labels and label positions should be used for vertices.
When you use //N to get a numerical result, Mathematica does what a standard calculator would do: it gives you a result to a fixed number of significant figures. You can also ...