VertexLabeling is an option for GraphPlot and related functions which specifies whether labeling should be included by default for vertices in graphs.
ViewAngle is an option for Graphics3D and related functions which gives the opening half-angle for a simulated camera used to view the three-dimensional scene.
WaveletImagePlot[dwd] plots the basis tree of wavelet image coefficients in the DiscreteWaveletData dwd.WaveletImagePlot[dwd, r] plots coefficients up to refinement level ...
WaveletScale is an option for ContinuousWaveletTransform and related constructs used to specify the smallest resolvable scale.
WhittakerW[k, m, z] gives the Whittaker function W k, m (z).
$MessagePrePrint is a global variable whose value, if set, is applied to expressions before they are included in the text of messages.
There are many functions that are built into Mathematica. This tutorial discusses how you can add your own simple functions to Mathematica. As a first example, consider ...
The Mathematica front end provides an Insert > Table/Matrix submenu for creating and editing arrays with any specified number of rows and columns. Once you have such an ...
MathLM administers licenses for organizations running multiple instances of Mathematica with a network license. Network licenses have two very important advantages: MathLM is ...
ImplementJavaInterface[interfaces, mappings] uses the Dynamic Proxy facility of Java to create a new Java class and return an object of that class that implements the named ...