RenameDirectory["dir_1", "dir_2"] renames the directory dir_1 to dir_2.
p ... or RepeatedNull[p] is a pattern object that represents a sequence of zero or more expressions, each matching p.
RowLines is an option for the low-level function GridBox that specifies whether lines should be drawn between adjacent rows.
Selectable is an option for displayed objects, cells, and notebooks that specifies whether their contents can be selected interactively using the front end.
SequenceHold is an attribute that specifies that Sequence objects appearing in the arguments of a function should not automatically be flattened out.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Sound[primitives] represents a sound. Sound[primitives, t] specifies that the sound should have duration t.Sound[primitives, {t_min, t_max}] specifies that the sound should ...
SpanCharacterRounding is an option for selections that specifies the method used for rounding a spanning character when its size is to be adjusted.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) StringQ[expr] gives True if expr is a string, and False otherwise.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Style[expr, options] displays with expr formatted using the specified option settings. Style[expr, " style"] uses the option settings for the specified style in the current ...
f /: lhs =. removes any rules defined for lhs, associated with the symbol f.