(GUIKit Package Symbol) Widget[class : class | path | URL[path], {content}] defines a new widget instance.
IndependentSetQ[g, i] yields True if the vertices in list i define an independent set in graph g.
NormalDashed is a value that the option EdgeStyle can take on in the graph data structure or in ShowGraph.
(Combinatorica Package Symbol) Parent is a tag used as an argument to the function AllPairsShortestPath in order to inform this function that information about parents in the shortest paths is also wanted.
ThickDashed is a value that the option EdgeStyle can take on in the graph data structure or in ShowGraph.
ThinDashed is a value that the option EdgeStyle can take on in the graph data structure or in ShowGraph.
The built-in function Reduce provides the functionality previously found in Algebra`InequalitySolve`.
All the functionality in DiscreteMath`Combinatorica` is available in the newly created Combinatorica Package.
Some of the functionality in Graphics`Spline` has been added to the built-in Mathematica kernel.
PackedArrayForm[expr] prints with packed arrays in expr shown in summary form, without all their elements explicitly given.