CovarianceEstimatorFunction is an option for generalized linear model fitting functions that specifies the estimator for the parameter covariance matrix.
DaubechiesWavelet[] represents a Daubechies wavelet of order 2. DaubechiesWavelet[n] represents a Daubechies wavelet of order n.
DedekindEta[\[Tau]] gives the Dedekind eta modular elliptic function \[Eta](\[Tau]).
DownValues[f] gives a list of transformation rules corresponding to all downvalues defined for the symbol f.
EndPackage[] restores $Context and $ContextPath to their values before the preceding BeginPackage, and prepends the current context to the list $ContextPath.
ExpandNumerator[expr] expands out products and powers that appear in the numerator of expr.
FactorTermsList[poly] gives a list in which the first element is the overall numerical factor in poly, and the second element is the polynomial with the overall factor ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) For[start, test, incr, body] executes start, then repeatedly evaluates body and incr until test fails to give True.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) FreeQ[expr, form] yields True if no subexpression in expr matches form, and yields False otherwise. FreeQ[expr, form, levelspec] tests only those parts of expr on levels ...
FrobeniusNumber[{a_1, ..., a_n}] gives the Frobenius number of a_1, ..., a_n.