"EvaluatorAbort" is a front end token that aborts the kernel operation in the specified kernel.
"FontPanel" is a front end token that opens the Font dialog.
"GraphicsAlign" is a front end token that aligns selected graphics cells with the first cell in the selection.
(Mathematica Front End Token) "Paste" is a front end token that pastes the current contents of the clipboard at the insertion point.
"RemoveAdjustments" is a front end token that removes all occurrences of AdjustmentBox in the selected "Otherscript" expression.
"SelectAll" is a front end token that selects all the cells in the current notebook.
"SelectionAnimate" is a front end token that animates selected graphics, typically in a cell group.
"StackWindows" is a front end token that arranges windows in a uniform overlapping stack on the screen.