You can use the keyboard to move the cursor forward or backward one character or one word at a time. You can also delete the character or word to the right or the left of the ...
Mathematica represents matrices and vectors using lists. Anything that is not a list Mathematica considers as a scalar. A vector in Mathematica consists of a list of scalars. ...
Select the next-higher subexpression by pressing Ctrl+.. Press Ctrl+. repeatedly. Get rid of the contents of an expression and destructure it by pressing Del (or Backspace).
Sending email from Mathematica. The examples below require that the default mail account settings have been configured in the Internet Connectivity > Mail Settings tab of the ...
Lists are normally specified in Mathematica just by giving explicit lists of their elements. But particularly in working with large arrays, it is often useful instead to be ...
Type a left parenthesis and a right parenthesis, then move the insertion point to be between them. Type (), and press ←. Type the first entry of the vector. Create the next ...
CUDADriverVersion[] gives the version of the installed NVIDIA driver.
CUDAFluidDynamics[] demonstrates computational fluid dynamics using CUDALink.
$CUDADevice is the CUDA device used in computation.
Java Connection Management >, InstallJava AddToClassPath ShowJavaConsole ..., Java Classes and Objects >, LoadJavaClass -- load and set up a Java class for use from ...