SokalSneathDissimilarity[u, v] gives the Sokal\[Dash]Sneath dissimilarity between Boolean vectors u and v.
StirlingS1[n, m] gives the Stirling number of the first kind S_n^(m).
TimeConstrained[expr, t] evaluates expr, stopping after t seconds. TimeConstrained[expr, t, failexpr] returns failexpr if the time constraint is not met.
Tolerance is an option for various numerical options which specifies the tolerance that should be allowed in computing results.
VertexCoordinateRules is an option for GraphPlot and related functions which specifies rules for determining the coordinates at which vertices should be placed.
$MachinePrecision gives the number of decimal digits of precision used for machine-precision numbers.
Type the symbol that will have the subscript. Type x. Create a subscript by pressing the Control key and the - key at the same time.
DatabaseLink supports SQL transactions and result sets. These features, useful for advanced users, help to maintain integrity of the data stored in your database as well as ...
SQLConnectionPoolClose[pool] closes a connection pool.
SQLConnectionPools[] returns a list of the open connection pools.SQLConnectionPools[conn] returns the connection pool used for a connection.