Widget["Frame"] represents a complete window.
Widget["Panel"] is an empty container widget.
The GUIKit framework provides Mathematica functions, such as PropertyValue[{" StyleBox["widgetName", "TI"]"," StyleBox["propertyName", "TI"]"}], for accessing state ...
This example illustrates how to use modal dialogs initiated from another window, optionally setting up property values on widgets in the modal dialog, and, when the modal ...
CellMeans is an option for ANOVA which specifies whether cell means should be included in the output.
BenchmarkReport[] runs the benchmark and produces a report in a separate notebook comparing this system to a selection of reference systems. BenchmarkReport["system_1", ...
Equivalences[g, h] lists the vertex equivalence classes between graphs g and h defined by their vertex degrees. Equivalences[g] lists the vertex equivalences for graph g ...
PairGroupIndex[g, x] returns the cycle index of the pair group induced by g as a polynomial in x[1], x[2], ....PairGroupIndex[ci, x] takes the cycle index ci of a group g ...
New functions RegionPlot and RegionPlot3D have been added to the built-in Mathematica kernel. RegionPlot includes the functionality of InequalityPlot. RegionPlot3D includes ...
All of the functionality in Graphics`PlotField3D` has been added to the built-in Mathematica kernel.