IrreduciblePolynomial[s, p, d] gives an irreducible polynomial in the symbol s of degree d over the integers modulo the prime p.
PowerList[f] gives a list of the data parts of the nonzero elements of the field f.
SignificanceLevel is an option to hypothesis test functions that specifies the significance level for the test.
SimplexMedian[matrix] gives a simplex median of the elements in matrix.
SpatialMedian[matrix] gives the spatial median of the elements in matrix.
JustMinor is an interval list for the minor version of the Just Major scale.
MeanMajor is an interval list derived from the Mean Chromatic scale.
MeanMinor is an interval list derived from the Mean Chromatic scale.
PythagoreanChromatic is an interval list for the Pythagorean Chromatic scale.
TemperedMajor is an interval list derived from the Tempered Chromatic scale.