ExtremeValueDistribution[\[Alpha], \[Beta]] represents an extreme value distribution with location parameter \[Alpha] and scale parameter \[Beta].
GumbelDistribution[\[Alpha], \[Beta]] represents a Gumbel distribution with location parameter \[Alpha] and scale parameter \[Beta].
LogisticDistribution[\[Mu], \[Beta]] represents a logistic distribution with mean \[Mu] and scale parameter \[Beta].
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Erfc[z] gives the complementary error function erfc(z).
ExpIntegralEi[z] gives the exponential integral function Ei(z).
FresnelC[z] gives the Fresnel integral C(z).
FresnelS[z] gives the Fresnel integral S(z).
JacobiNS[u, m] gives the Jacobi elliptic function ns(u | m).
JacobiSC[u, m] gives the Jacobi elliptic function sc(u | m).
LogGamma[z] gives the logarithm of the gamma function log \[CapitalGamma](z).