(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Cos[z] gives the cosine of z.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Sin[z] gives the sine of z.
Binomial[n, m] gives the binomial coefficient ( { {n}, {m} } ).
SkewNormalDistribution[\[Mu], \[Sigma], \[Alpha]] represents a skew-normal distribution with shape parameter \[Alpha], location parameter \[Mu], and scale parameter \[Sigma].
This is a simple homogeneous DAE with constant coefficients. This finds the general solution. It has only one arbitrary constant because the second equation in the system ...
All textual and graphical forms in Mathematica are ultimately represented in terms of nested collections of boxes. Typically the elements of these boxes correspond to objects ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) DSolve[eqn, y, x] solves a differential equation for the function y, with independent variable x. DSolve[{eqn_1, eqn_2, ...}, {y_1, y_2, ...}, x] solves a list of ...
ExponentialPowerDistribution[\[Kappa], \[Mu], \[Sigma]] represents an exponential power distribution with shape parameter \[Kappa], location parameter \[Mu], and scale ...
FittedModel[...] represents the symbolic fitted model obtained from functions like LinearModelFit.
FractionalPart[x] gives the fractional part of x.