SechDistribution[\[Mu], \[Sigma]] represents the hyperbolic secant distribution with location parameter \[Mu] and scale parameter \[Sigma].
TransformedDistribution[expr, x \[Distributed] dist] represents the transformed distribution of expr where the random variable x follows the distribution ...
StirlingS2[n, m] gives the Stirling number of the second kind \[ScriptCapitalS]_n^(m).
NorlundB[n, a] gives Nørlund polynomials B_n^(a) of degree n in a.NorlundB[n, a, x] gives generalized Bernoulli polynomials B_n^(a)(x).
KroneckerSymbol[n, m] gives the Kronecker symbol (n/m).
GeneralMiniMaxApproximation[{f_x, f_y}, {t, {t_0, t_1}, m, n}, x] finds the rational polynomial function of x, with numerator order m and denominator order n, that gives a ...
CosIntegral[z] gives the cosine integral function Ci(z).
InverseGaussianDistribution[\[Mu], \[Lambda]] represents an inverse Gaussian distribution with mean \[Mu] and scale parameter \[Lambda].InverseGaussianDistribution[\[Mu], ...
Pochhammer[a, n] gives the Pochhammer symbol (a) n.
The differential equations that arise in modern applications often have discontinuous coefficients. DSolve can handle a wide variety of such ODEs with piecewise coefficients. ...